SPLASHED - The Movie...

SPLASHED - The Movie...


Ooh. We are so excited that you are about to discover and enjoy Splashed! This is the basic package. You want the movie, that's what you got!

Now get ready for a thrill...

The story follows Bodyguard Chava de la Cruz (Libier Reynolds) as she struggles with clients who refuse to follow her rules. After violently firing one client, "T-Mo" (Evan Brienza), she takes on a last minute replacement (Joe Comisky) -- a motormouth on a mission, who is clinging to a mysterious satchel.

Suspicions about her client's innocence peak when the satchel places her in an underground battle with a sex-trafficking kingpin named "Modine" (Mike MacManus), and forces her to choose between protecting her family and stopping a shipment of girls.

SPLASHED - The Movie...


    I invite you to discover and enjoy: Splashed.

    It's is a new breed of Faith-Based flick that rolls in street clothing. It's a gritty story of a female bodyguard who takes a routine gig that turns bad, forcing her to choose...